Where is God?

Some of us ‘Old Timers’ can remember the Time magazine cover in 1966 asking the question Is God Dead? It hardly seems possible, but things have changed so much since then that the question doesn’t even seem to be reasonable for 1966. And yet it is a question that many … Continue reading

In is In

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among Christians recently. Well, actually I guess it isn’t all that recent, but like trolls on the internet, the trend has become much more vocal. Perry Noble recently tweeted several tweets that on the surface sound very… well… noble.  He starts off well. In fact, … Continue reading

The Truth is Out There

I came across a couple of things this week that I thought were interesting. The first was a Facebook page on biblical inconsistencies. The second was a web page on biblical inconsistencies. Both sites were touting the ignorance of Christians who believed a Bible that they didn’t even know. Unfortunately, I … Continue reading


Let me jump right into the recent discussion on gay marriage. The supreme court is hearing another argument on the subject today. Christians are divided on the application of the law, which is not only puzzling, but somewhat disturbing since it sends a message to non-Christians that we don’t really have … Continue reading