
It seems that each time I read the Bible, I come up with something new. It may not be a revelation to you, but to me, it seems like a buffet of knowledge each time I discover something I didn’t know. For example, last week I was reading and it suddenly occurred to me how relatable the Bible is. Now I realize that I probably should have come to this conclusion a long time ago, and I think to some extent I did. It just seemed to hit me in a new way last week.

I’m sure it’s just me, but when I read a story in the Bible about someone who has failed, I usually see the story as a warning not to do the things that were done. The story was written as a lesson to be learned. Don’t do this! But it suddenly struck me that I can totally identify with each person who missed it in each story or account that I read. For example, I read about Peter denying Jesus during his trial. Jesus had told Peter that he would deny him three times that night and Peter vehemently denied that he would ever deny Jesus. But here he was a few hours later, having done just that. He even swore! One of my first thoughts is one of condemnation. How could Peter act like this? He had spent the last three years following Jesus every day, and yet he not only denied even knowing him, but he accentuated his denial by swearing!

And then, I realized that I probably would have done the same thing if I were in Peter’s sandals. I’ve just seen Jesus arrested by a crowd of armed men and taken away. I’m waiting for word on what will happen to him. I’m not even sure why he was arrested! Now I’m surrounded by a crowd of people I don’t know and am questioned about my relationship with a man they see as a criminal. My first instinct would have been to laugh it off until I knew a little more about the situation. When questioned a second time, I’m sure I would have responded like Peter did. Are you kidding? Me? With Jesus? Who is Jesus? I mean, I’ve heard of this guy, but hang with him? Not me! And then when the third accusation came, I would most likely have panicked. I may have even sworn to emphasize my denial and to show that I could not have been with him. Followers of Jesus don’t swear! Everyone knows that!

I think of Jacob deceiving his father Isaac to steal the birthright from his brother Esau. And I am reminded of the times when I have been dishonest in order to get something that I really wanted or I thought I deserved. How many times have I tried to argue with God about how qualified I was to do what he was telling me to do like Moses did? I’ve stood up for what is right like Joshua did when returning with the other spies from the land of Canaan. And then, just like him, I’ve seen my blessing delayed and felt like I was being punished for doing the right thing. Like David, I’ve been tempted by an alluring woman. Like James and John, I’ve shown pride and sought the best for myself. Like Thomas, I’ve often doubted that God was doing anything because I couldn’t see it.

missedbullseyeThe point is, I’ve acted just like the people in the Bible who have done it wrong. They missed it. Some worse than others, but each one acted in a way that was not the best way to act. Each one did something that they were not proud of. I doubt that any of them realized that their mistakes would be immortalized for thousands of years for all the world to see. But each one of them served a purpose in God’s plan. He used their mistakes and shortcomings to mold them into the people he needed them to be. Peter became the head of the church. Jacob became Israel, the father of the Jewish Nation and ultimately, Jesus. Moses led Israel out of captivity in Egypt. Joshua led Israel into the land that would become the Israeli nation. David was referred to as a man after God’s own heart. James preached the gospel after the resurrection and John gave us the book of Revelation. Tradition tells us that Thomas may have been the first missionary to India, spreading the gospel after the resurrection. How many will remember me for the mistakes I made?

Peter became the head of the church. Jacob became Israel, the father of the Jewish Nation and ultimately, Jesus. Moses led Israel out of captivity in Egypt. Joshua led Israel into the land that would become the Israeli nation. David was referred to as a man after God’s own heart. James preached the gospel after the resurrection and John gave us the book of Revelation. Tradition tells us that Thomas may have been the first missionary to India, spreading the gospel after the resurrection.

How many will remember me for the mistakes I made instead of the things I’ve done right? The good news is, in spite of my shortcomings, I still have potential in the Kingdom of God. Just as these people were disappointing in their service to God, their mistakes helped shape them into the people God intended them to be. Without missing it the way they did, would they have turned out the way they did? Their mistakes helped shape their future character. This was the character that was necessary for them to fulfill their destiny in the Kingdom of God.

Don’t allow failure to shape your vision of yourself. Your failures are creating the character necessary for you to fulfill your destiny as well. Just keep becoming the person that God needs you to be in order to accomplish what he needs to accomplish through you.

Follow me on Twitter here for leadership and church growth ideas! Can I help you grow your church? Need leadership training, team building or strategic planning for 2017? Contact me here or check out Home Grown Leadership for more information!

How well do you wait?

WaitingWaiting. I have to say that waiting is one of the most difficult things that we have to do. There’s a verse about waiting that we like to quote. “But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength…”  We like to remind ourselves that once the wait is over, it will all be OK. But what about during the wait? What happens while you wait? How well do you wait?

There are several characters in the Bible that I can identify with. For a while, I really identified with David. Musician, lowly shepherd, but destined to be a king. I could relate to that. But I think that the person I have been able to relate the most with would be Joseph. Not the earthly father of Jesus. The son of Jacob. It’s interesting to me how the Bible doesn’t record everything.

As I was reading through the story of Jacob this week, I realized something. The Bible leaves a lot of things out. Details. Things I think I would have found fascinating. It’s interesting to me how the Bible just doesn’t record everything I want to know. And as I read through the Bible, sometimes I have questions that aren’t answered.

You can tell that God is a man because he communicates like a man. He boils what he tells us in his word down to the important things. Only the “need to know” kinds of things. For example, he spends only two chapters of the Bible covering the story of creation. I personally would love to have some insight into God’s thought process during creation. “And then God created the Mouflon. Since he had already created the antelope and had given it straight horns, God thought to himself ‘I shall create an animal which has curved horns! Not only shall they curve, but I shall add a corkscrew twist to them as well!'”. Wouldn’t it have been cool to have had a little more detail about some of the events of creation? But an event like creation is given two chapters of the Bible.

When we get to the story of Joseph in chapter 37 of Genesis, however, the Bible sets aside 13 chapters to his story! And an interesting story it is too! The favorite son of his father is sold into slavery by his own brothers. He is bought by an influential and powerful man in a foreign country and is given great responsibility in that man’s house. But he is falsely accused of wrongdoing and is thrown into prison. After several years in prison, he receives a pardon and is promoted to be the second most powerful man in the entire country. And this isn’t just any country. This is Egypt, the most powerful nation in the world at that time!

I have often felt like Joseph. I can relate. Early in my life I was comfortable, living at home, safe, secure and had little to worry about. There were times when I felt that I had been sold into slavery and didn’t know what the future held for me. I have felt trapped by my circumstances. But, like Joseph, I have been successful at nearly everything I have attempted in life. I was able to overcome my fear of the unknown and have been “delivered” by God. I have been placed into positions of power and authority. Like Joseph, I too have been wrongly accused of things in life and have suffered punishment for things that I did not do. But the thing about Joseph that I most closely associate with is his time in prison.

Vector illustration of a man lock up in prisonThe Bible doesn’t specify how long Joseph was in prison, but I imagine that regardless of the length of time, Joseph was rather uncomfortable. He knew that he shouldn’t have been there. In spite of being put in charge of the prison, he knew that he had the skill and experience to be more than he was – to do more than he was doing. And yet he was in prison. And he was there because of something completely out of his control. He had done nothing wrong but was in prison nonetheless. Day after day he waited to see what God would do. Would this be the day that God would vindicate him? Would the people who had done this wrong to him ever find out that he was innocent? How long would he remain in this place in his life? I suppose at times Joseph must have questioned everything. Am I here because I deserve it? If I had only not gone in to clean her room, she wouldn’t have grabbed my shirt that day! Should I have avoided her more than I did? I knew she was after me. Do I deserve to be where I am? And to all of these question, he maintained his innocence. He had to. Deep down, he knew his own motives. And yet… here he was. In prison. Waiting.

And then, one day, he sees a chance. He is able to interpret the dreams of two of the prisoners. Through the interpretations, he discovers that one of the prisoners will soon be freed. He asks the prisoner to not forget Joseph when he is set free. Just as he predicted, the prisoner is set free. I can imagine that in the following days Joseph must have sat by the door waiting for the guard to call his name. Every movement in the prison corridors was imagined to be someone coming for him. Surely, this was his opportunity. He would not be forgotten. This was his chance at freedom again. But two more years went by before he was remembered. So during this time, Joseph waited. Of course, he didn’t have an option. He was in prison. If you had asked Joseph about his life while he was in prison, he would have had a different story to tell than he would have in just a few more years. I think that we sometimes tend to tell our story before it’s over. Our story is much different while we’re waiting.

How did Joseph feel while he was in prison waiting for the deliverance that God would ultimately provide? What was he thinking all those years? He didn’t know what God had in store for him like we do. He didn’t know God’s timing with the famine like we do. All he knew was that he was in prison for something he didn’t do. He didn’t know if or when he would ever get out. So he had to wait. He had no other option. He had no choice but to trust that God would make everything right. While he waited, he used the resources that God had given him: The unique ability to interpret dreams. Who would have thought that such a gift would have been his ticket to greatness? God knew. Joseph didn’t.

loadingI find myself in Joseph’s prison often. Feeling like I’m being punished for something of which I am innocent. Having no option but to wait. No other choice. I’m just waiting on God to vindicate me. Like Joseph, I don’t know what God has in store for me. I don’t know the timing of what he has planned for me. I don’t know if or when I will be free. So I wait. Because I have to. I have no choice but to trust that God will make everything right. If you were to ask for my story during this time, it would be one of woe, doom, and despair. But my story isn’t over. Not yet. God has a plan for my life. I don’t know how it will work out, but I know it will. So I wait. How well do I wait? Do I use the gifts that God has given me, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem? Who knows when something I do or say will be the ticket to God’s purpose for my life?

How well do you wait? Do you use the gifts that God has given you, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem? Do you feel you have no option but to wait? Do you feel trapped by circumstances? Wait. Trust. Believe. Who knows when something you do or say will be the ticket to God’s purpose for your life? Don’t tell your story before it’s over. Wait well, my friend.

Follow me on twitter for leadership and church growth content!

The Diverse Church

diversity2_0_0I suppose this post couldn’t come at a better (or worse) time. This past week we have seen two African-American men killed by police and a sniper kill 5 policemen in Dallas, TX. It seems that racial tensions are at an all-time high. Even in the church! And that’s where I want to focus our attention this week. You see, the church has a desire to be diverse. Even in times of racial division, the church has a desire to be culturally diverse. According to a survey by LifeWay Research, 85% of all Protestant pastors believe that the local church should strive to be racially diverse. Yet that same survey showed that only 13% of Protestant churches actually had more than one predominant racial or ethnic group in their congregation.

Where is the disconnect? I believe that it’s in the execution, not the desire. You see, racial or cultural diversity does not just happen. It has to be intentional. I’ve heard many a pastor proclaim that “Anyone is welcome to attend our church! We want all people to feel welcome here!” But the reality is that their church is not open to all. Unless all like what they offer. And what they offer is not for “all”.

For example, I am welcome to shop at Abercrombie & Fitch. They would not turn away my business. In fact, they would take my money as readily as any other department store. The problem is, I don’t like their clothes. I could ask them to change the style (and size) of clothes they offer, but they’re not likely to do so. Why? I am not in their target market. You see, Abercrombie & Fitch state in their marketing plan that “The concept of this product is to provide the target market which are males and females between the ages of 14 and 20 years old clothing that allows them to be comfortable and casual while still looking stylish and trendy…” While I am all for looking stylish and trendy, I’m not really looking to for the same style and trendiness that a 14 to 20-year-old is.

The same is true of your church. While it may be true that all people are welcome, do you make your church comfortable for people of diverse backgrounds?

Diversity has to be intentional. And we should be intentional. In a world where racial tension is higher than ever, we should set the example. We should work hard to create churches that are full of people who are different than we are. Of course, there will be communities that are almost exclusively one particular culture. There will be people who attend churches which are predominately one culture because they enjoy the style of church that that particular church has. That doesn’t make the individual racist. It means that they are attending a church that they can support and participate in culturally.

Unity DiversityLet’s begin by creating a little diversity in THE church, not necessarily your church. How can we create diversity while at the same time preserving unity? Start by reaching out to churches who are different than you. Here are 3 simple ideas that will work for creating both diversity and unity in the church:

  1. Invite a pastor from a culturally different church to lunch. Sit down and just discuss some of the ways in which your churches are different. Discuss some of the ways that your churches are the same. Discuss some of the challenges that each of you are facing in trying to impact your community with the gospel. Just talk. Pick up the phone and call. You know that church people never turn down free food! What have you got to lose? Call.
  2. Invite a culturally different church than yours to partner with your church for a night of worship. Maybe call that same pastor you had lunch with. Put your worship leaders in touch with each other. Combine your teams and have a night of worship at one of your churches. It doesn’t really matter which one. You will each learn a little about the other as you sing songs from each church. You may even like some of the songs you haven’t heard before! There is something exciting that happens when people come together to worship God. Even more so when people who are different unite to worship the same God!
  3. Partner with a culturally different church than yours in outreach. It may be something as simple as handing out bottles of water in the park to thirsty families or serving meals at the local shelter. You could even partner to do something like VBS. Take volunteers from both churches and open the VBS up to each church to participate in. Both churches share the load as well as the reward. In fact, some churches with fewer resources or volunteers may not even be able to have a VBS. Invite them to join your church.

Diversity doesn’t just happen. If we are not intentional in creating it, we won’t have it. We may have come to this country on different ships but we’re all in the same boat now!

Be sure to follow me on twitter for more church growth and leadership thoughts!

The Trending Church

Church is not what it once was. I have been in church my entire life. As I reflect back at how the church has changed over the years, it stands to reason that church will not be the same in 10 years as it is now. The church is evolving. Whether for good or bad is up to individual interpretation. I would say that there is a little of both in our evolution. But there is no doubt that the church has changed. Even in the last decade.

trendingAs I was looking over some articles recently that were discussing some of the current trends in Christianity and the church, I started thinking: What were the trends a decade ago? What was happening then that led to where we are today? Have any of the predictions about the state of the future church come true? I dug a little deeper and was able to find some interesting data regarding the church in 2005 – 2006. Here are some of the statistics and trends related to Christianity and the church:

  1. Christianity remains the world’s most popular religion, with about 34% of people worldwide identifying themselves as Christian. About 1% of Christians go to a mega-church each week (attendance >1,000).
  2. Although the importance of religion has been declining in other countries, it remains strong in the US. At this time, the US has the highest level of church attendance than any other country.
  3. Confidence in religious institutions has hit an all-time low, with only 26% of survey respondents saying that they had a “great deal of confidence” in religious institutions.
  4. 61% of people in their 20’s had previously been churched, but were now considered to be “spiritually disengaged”. 70% will leave the faith in college and only 35% will return.
  5. Churches are rapidly incorporating new technology into their culture. Large-screen projection is used by nearly 38% of churches and 57% now have websites.
  6. 47% of churches have attendance fewer than 100.

Using this information, some predictions were made about the future of Christianity and the church:

  1. A growing frustration with churches among younger adults will lead to smaller groups of meetings among Christians, outside of the church. House churches, office Bible studies, and meetings in public places will increase as believers seek to satisfy their hunger for God that isn’t being met in the local church.
  2. A re-energized movement of conservative Christianity would arise in the US. This would be seen as a great revival by some. Regardless, the conservative Christian movement would be more vocal and visible in the future.
  3. There would be increased conflict over the rights of homosexuals in the US. Canada had just legalized same-sex marriage in 2005. This was viewed by many to be a precursor of the same battle in the US.
  4. Greater diversity in local churches. Fewer segregated congregations. There was already growing diversity in churches. The prediction was that this would become the norm in many churches by 2015.
  5. Those who are on the fringes of church attendance will drop out completely.

By and large, those predictions of the future state of the church have come true. A decade ago, about 1% of churches were considered mega-churches. Today, that percentage hasn’t changed much. However, the number of people who attend a mega-church has changed. About 10% of church attendees each week attend a mega church. The prediction in 2005 was that people would begin attending smaller churches. In fact, more people have begun attending larger churches. But the recent explosion in “house churches” and the trend among mega-churches to become multi-site churches has kept that prediction alive.

There has been a rise in the visibility of conservative Christianity in the last few years. Much of that rise is due to the increased conflict over same-sex marriage that was also predicted. As Christianity has encountered perceived opposition to its message, conservatism has risen from the ranks of Christendom to become quite vocal and visible in the last several years.  I would not categorize this rise as the beginnings of a revival, however. In fact, the perception among many Christians is that this rise in conservatism has actually damaged the cause of Christianity. We are viewed not as the conscience of America, but as those who are out of touch with our culture and values. Although the message that conservative Christians have presented has been correct, the method of communicating that message has often been delivered in a way that is devoid of the love that Christ taught us to show. I’m not suggesting that we become more “tolerant” of sin. Sin is sin. But I believe that we too often address the symptoms of sin and not the sin itself.

diversity2_0_0The diversity of individual local churches has grown quite a bit in the last decade. However, we still have a long way to go. Most churches are not culturally diverse. As the world around us becomes more and more diverse, the church does not keep up with the diversity found in our workplaces, our cities, and towns, or even our local stores and shops. I think we need to recognize that not everyone wants diversity in the church. There are some congregations that are not culturally diverse on purpose. They enjoy the specific culture that their church represents and those who also enjoy it will attend. On the whole, however, churches want more cultural diversity. A recent study by LifeWay found that 85% of pastors thought that the church should be racially diverse, but only 13% actually are. Increased diversity in the church appears to be an ongoing trend that is still on the radar in 2016.

The last prediction 10 years ago was that those on the fringes would drop out of church completely. This is one prediction that, sadly, has come true. But not in the way that those who made it thought it would. While some have completely stopped attending church, many have just opted to attend less frequently. Rather than attend each week, many are now attending once or twice a month. This pattern of attendance has become the new norm for many people today. If you consider that in a congregation of 100 people, all of them attend each week, the average attendance is – drum roll please – 100. Now, if just 25 of those people decide to miss just one week out of the month, the average attendance becomes 94. If half of them miss one service each month, the average attendance drops to 87! That’s using a fairly conservative attendance projection. If half of the congregation attends only 2 services each month, the average attendance drops by 25%. Remember, no one has left the church. They are still members, they just don’t attend as often. This is obviously more visible in a smaller congregation, but it works for congregations of all sizes. This is arguably the best reason for declining church attendance in America. People are not attending as frequently as they used to.

Next week, we’ll take a look at diversity in the church. How do we build diversity in our churches? Check back next time to find out. Don’t forget to follow me @RealTomRawlings on Twitter for more church trends, growth and leadership ideas.

The Meaning of Life?

meaning-of-life1Have you ever questioned why you are here? That’s the question all of humanity has been pondering since the beginning of history isn’t it? What is this all about? What is the meaning of life? What part do I play in this whole “life” thing? Is there such a thing as purpose? If so, what is MY purpose? Do I even have a purpose?

Most people go through their entire lives and never realize the full potential of their purpose. I would like to offer those of you reading this the opportunity to explore your purpose. First, though, I would like to look at a couple of things that your purpose is not.

  1. Your purpose is not someone else’s purpose. You are unique. You have a unique purpose. While there may be others who can do the same things as you, none of them can do those things quite the same way you do. I remember eating dinner as a kid. My mom made the best meatloaf on the planet! After I got married, I attempted to make meatloaf for dinner one night. It actually turned out to be edible, but it definitely wasn’t moms! It turns out that lots of people can make meatloaf, but none of them can make it like my mother.

Many of you can relate to this. You have a similar story. You had a great boss at one of your early jobs. They took you under their wing and mentored you. You came to expect that this was how it was going to be everywhere you worked. You soon realized that while a lot of people can lead, not everyone will be a mentor and take the time to really help you develop.

You are the same. There may be many people who possess similar skill sets as you, but none of them can leverage those skills quite the same way that you do. You are unique in the way that you think, process information and leverage your particular knowledge and experience. Don’t try to imitate someone else’s purpose. Stay in your lane.

2. Your purpose will be closely tied to your natural abilities. Many people don’t recognize their purpose because it comes so natural to them.

They think that everyone has the same ability because it seems so easy for them. For example, my purpose includes speaking to groups of people. I actually enjoy it. Then I read a survey that said that the #1 fear that most people have is the fear of public speaking. This was followed by death as a close second. The #3 fear was dying while speaking publicly I think. When I discovered that something I enjoy was the fear that most people have that exceeds the fear of death, I began to recognize that speaking in public was part of my purpose.

Purpose2So how do you figure out exactly what you are supposed to do with your life? Well, the answer really is that you generally discover your purpose more than you figure it out. And discovery usually means that you are searching for something. In 1970, a chemist named Spencer Silver was working for 3M labs. He was working on the development of a strong glue. He failed miserably. What he came up with was an adhesive that wouldn’t even stick 2 pieces of paper together. He found that the glue stuck to either one piece of paper or the other.

Four years later, one of his co-workers was singing in the church choir. He used markers to keep his place in the hymnal, but they kept falling out. He tried coating them with the glue that Spencer had developed and it worked! The markers stayed in place, but could be pulled off without damaging the hymnal. And just like that, the Post-it Note was born.

Often, we discover our purpose completely by accident, or while searching for something entirely different. Your purpose can be discovered by searching for it, though. While discovering purpose in life eludes many people, the first step is usually beginning the search.

Andy Stanley says it like this: “What is it that breaks your heart?” It can also be phrased “What makes your heart beat a little faster?” Ask yourself – When I don’t have the energy to do anything else, I will still _____________. That blank contains clues to your purpose. It may not be your entire reason for being on this earth, but it will be a part of it.

When I was just starting out in ministry, I was volunteering as the worship leader for the youth. I was working several part-time jobs at the time so that I could study for my ministry license. There were many times I would arrive home after a long day at work and receive a phone call. The voice at the other end of the line would ask if I could come and lead worship for their small group. I never declined. I sometimes left without eating dinner. That was my purpose. To lead others into the presence of God.

So what makes your heart beat a little faster? What injustice do you see that breaks your heart? Where do your passion and natural ability intersect? That’s a good place to start.  Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @RealTomRawlings!

The Most Important People in Your Church

In my last post, I talked about the most important 10 minutes in your church service. First-time guests at your church will usually determine whether to come back for a second visit in the first 10 minutes of arriving on your campus. They will reinforce their decision based on how friendly they find your church. That decision will come in the first 10 minutes after the service has ended.  Remember, people aren’t looking for friendly churches. They’re looking for friends.

Now that we have established a couple of ground rules about people visiting your church, maybe you can do the right things to get them to return for a second visit. You will clean up the lawn and landscaping. You will have friendly people greet them in the parking lot and even inside the church. You will make sure that there are people to greet them after the service ends. Surely that will get them to return! And perhaps you’re right. Those things alone may be enough for a first-time guest to make the decision to return next week and give you a second shot. But what about a 3rd visit? What about stacking the deck so that they are still in your church in 6 months or a year? Or 5? How do you turn guests into regular attenders? Better yet, how do you turn them into involved members?

The short answer is that there isn’t a set of rules to determine these things. If there were, every church in America would be growing, and we know that that just isn’t true. However, we can look at successful, growing churches and examine some of the things which they have done to make them successful. There are some steps that you can take to help push your church in the direction of growth. Keep in mind that it’s not only doing these things that will help your church grow. It’s doing them well.

small-group-1One of the most important systems that you can put into place is Small Groups. With the rising use of technology, I have often asked pastors the question: Why would people get out of bed on a Sunday morning and come to your church? Why not just stay at home and watch one of the mega-churches on the internet? The answer is usually: community. It isn’t the style of music or the great preaching that will bring people to your church week after week. It’s other people. Not that music and preaching don’t have anything to do with it. They do. But the main thing that will keep people coming back to your church is other people. It’s a sense of community. Of belonging. One of the best ways to promote community in your church is to have small groups. Remember – it’s not just doing small groups. It’s doing them well. Developing your leaders and making sure that they are

One of the best ways to promote community in your church is to have small groups. Remember – it’s not just doing small groups. It’s doing them well. Developing your leaders and making sure that they are facilitating the groups, not just teaching them is important. The main goal of your small groups is connection, not information.

According to a recent Barna survey, when asked to use one word to describe their ideal church, millennials chose the word “Community”. Small groups will also help attract and keep younger people in your church.

During the first 6 months of attending your church, people are asking themselves 3 questions:

  1. Can I make friends in this church?
  2. Is there a place in this church where I can fit in?
  3. Does this church really want me?

In the following 6 months, people are asking a different set of questions:

  1. Are my new friends as good as my old ones?
  2. Is attending this church worth the cost of being involved?
  3. Is my contribution important?

RelationshipRemember that when people visit your church as first-time guests, they are usually there because of a need in their lives. They are checking to see if your church can meet that need. If it can, they will stick around. But once the need is met, they will continue to attend because of the relationships they have made in your church.

In the end, it will be relationships that keep people in your church. Raise the value and visibility of relationship and your church will grow.

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @RealTomRawlings for more insights into church growth and leadership.


The Most Important 10 Minutes in Your Church Service

Last week, I talked about some of the signs of an unhealthy church. This week, I want to look at one of the aspects of a healthy, growing church. I worked in a number of secular positions prior to becoming involved in ministry. Most recently, I worked in the Customer Service department of a large organization. It was there that I learned one of the secrets to church growth: Customer

service level meter

service level meter

Service. Customer Service is not something that we typically associate with churches. When we think of customer service, we usually think about shopping. But when addressing church growth, that is exactly what guests in your church services are doing: shopping for a church. And just like  when shopping for a new vacuum, they want to know that they have made the right choice when making a final decision. After all, which church you attend has a huge impact on your life as a Christian.

So let’s consider for a moment some of the things that a guest in your church might look at when making the decision about whether your church will be “the” church for them. Let’s start with some basic facts.

  1. People do not automatically decide to become a part of your church.
  2. The responsibility for their decision lies with you, the church. Not with them.
  3. The process of membership begins before they ever attend.
  4. Church growth is an ongoing process
  5. Most churches can improve their customer service.

Most first-time visitors will decide whether they’re coming back during their first visit. Usually, that decision is made at two critical points in the visit.

  1. 0507church2In the first 10 to 12 minutes upon entering your church campus. This critical first impression will have a great impact on whether your guests will return or not. You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. With this in mind, it is vital that your parking area is not only well-maintained but also have clear signage and directions about where to park.  If possible, have a section of your parking designated specifically for first- time visitors. This area should be closest to the entrance and be clearly marked. Your campus should be landscaped and clean. The exterior of your building should look like a place that someone who isn’t familiar with your church would want to check out.

Inside, they will meet your people for the first time. Are they greeted when they arrive? Are the greeters friendly, or just creepy? It’s important that your guests be treated just like that: Guests. What do guests who visit your home for the first time need to know? One of the first things that I always want to know is: where is the bathroom?

Walking_family_parkGuests with children will need to know what they do with them. Do you have clear signage that points them toward the children’s area? Better yet, is there someone who will help them find it? By help, I mean someone who will ask about their children’s ages and names. Someone who will walk the parents and children to the proper area and then introduce them to the teacher of the class? By name. Someone who will escort the parents back to the main seating area and even introduce them to a few people along the way? Don’t treat them like visitors. Treat them like guests. After all, that is really what they are. They are guests in your church. Treat them as you would treat a valued customer in your business. A visitor is a person who comes to inspect, or stay at a place for a short time for a particular purpose. A guest is a person who is welcomed into another person’s home. A person to whom hospitality is extended. A guest is a person held in honor who is due special courtesies.

During this time, they will also be making the determination as to whether your church can meet their needs. Do you have something in place for their children? Their teens? Is there information on the various events readily available? Do you have small groups? Discipleship classes? What topics are being discussed? Is your mid-week service advertised along with the topic currently being explored?

2. after churchThe second point at which a decision is made about whether to return to your church is during the closing 10 minutes. What happens during the minutes following the dismissal of service and your congregation heading out the doors for Sunday dinner? Usually, that’s the point at which they all gather with their friends to catch up on what they have missed during the week. At most churches, it becomes a gathering of cliques. Circles of friends gather to chat with each other. There’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, if people rush out the doors as soon as they are dismissed it’s usually a sign of an unhealthy church! But keep in mind your guests. What are they feeling during this time? Left out would probably be an accurate description. What they will remember more than the first 10 minutes will be the last 10. Those will be the memories that are freshest in their mind.

You need to create a culture of inclusiveness in your congregation. This means that they will stay and chat with their friends after the service, but will first be on the lookout for those who are making a beeline for the door. In order for a person to return to your church and eventually call it their home, they should make an average of 7 new friends in the first 30 days of attending. The average number of friends that a guest makes when making the decision not to return to a church is 2 in the first 30 days.

I will follow up on this topic of church growth in the next article. For now, you need to consider the level of customer service in your church. Are you customer friendly? How do your guests feel when leaving your service? Has value been added to their lives because of the 90 minutes that they spent with you?

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @RealTomRawlings for more church growth and leadership ideas.

5 Signs of Health Problems in Your Church

There is a lot of discussion on how to grow a church. Just do a Google search for “Church Growth” and you will find thousands of resources for church growth strategies or principles. Now, I’m not opposed to growing churches. In fact, I think that most churches want to grow. After all, it only makes sense: larger attendance numbers equates to more people reached with the Gospel, right?

Growing-1I agree that churches should grow. I’m just not convinced that larger equates to better. I’m also not convinced that attendance should be the only, or even the best, indicator of a healthy church. Sure, reaching more people with the message of Jesus is critical to the survival of the church. But reaching more people through an unhealthy church is not good. That would only add to the number of people who are unhealthy.  We all recognize that not all growth(s) on (or in) your body are good. Even though growth is necessary for our survival. It’s not growth that is necessary. It’s healthy growth.

I think that we sometimes place too much emphasis on how large a church is and not how healthy it is. While I do believe it is possible for unhealthy churches to stimulate growth, I am convinced that a healthy church will grow almost automatically. How can you tell whether your church is healthy or not? Here are some things I think you should look for. These five things should give you an indication of the health of your church:

  1. Your church may not be healthy if you are seeing few salvations. The mission of the church is to “Go into all the world and make disciples”. If we’re not making disciples, the health of our church should be questioned. Few salvations could also be an indication that you are not attracting people outside your church.
  2. Little or no impact on your community. A question to ask yourself should be “If my church were to disappear tomorrow, would anyone in our community know that it was gone?” The answer to that question should be a resounding “YES!”. We are to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). If the salt remains in the salt shaker, how effective is the salt at flavoring food? Healthy churches will be impacting their community in noticeable ways.
  3. Prayer is not at the forefront of the ministry. If we think that we can accomplish the mission of the church without prayer, we are not a healthy church. I’m not talking about praying at home. I’m talking about not only times of corporate prayer but about an emphasis on prayer in the services. We should be encouraging our people to pray for their pastors, leaders, volunteers and their unsaved friends. In fact, I am convinced that a healthy church will not grow without an emphasis on prayer.
  4. Serving stems from a sense of duty and not from the realization that service is a basic characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus. I understand that EVERY church has a problem with having enough volunteers. I’m not talking about the quantity of volunteers here, but the quality. If your volunteers are constantly grumbling or complaining about serving, you may have an unhealthy church. Jesus served. Jesus taught that we are to serve. I have worked with churches where the volunteers have complained about not being able to be in the sanctuary enough or complained about the length of the service because it meant that they were stuck serving for over an hour. If your volunteers don’t understand the concept of service, it may be a sign that your church is unhealthy.
  5. No one is challenged to become better. In a healthy church, people are challenged to make changes in their lives to become more Christ-like. The old adage is true: “If you keep doing what you are doing, you will continue to get what you are getting”. In a healthy church, people should be challenged to make the necessary changes in their lives that will result in them becoming more like Christ. If the sermons are “feel good” messages and there is no clear path to discipleship, you may be part of an unhealthy church.

Of course, I could list several more. This is by no means an all-inclusive list. These are just some of the observations I have found to be true in my experience. What would you add to the list?

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @RealTomRawlings for more insight on church growth and leadership.

5 Tips for Leading Leaders

At first glance, this post may seem to be unnecessary. After all, the web is full of leadership tips and advice. There have been entire books written on leadership and on developing leaders. I know. I’ve read a good many of them myself. But in my many years of working both in the church and in the secular marketplace, I’ve seen very few people actually lead leaders well. Most people who have leadership skills have no trouble at all leading followers. And of course, if you don’t have followers, you’re not much of a leader, are you? But leading leaders is a different animal altogether. If you are a leader, you generally have an unspoken expectation that you possess more leadership skills than those who follow. But that isn’t necessarily true when leading leaders.

leaders1Tom Peters says “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders. Leading leaders will take you much further than simply leading followers. Leading followers adds to your abilities as a leader. Leading other leaders doesn’t add to those abilities, it multiplies your abilities. When dealing with leaders, they will think much like you do, they will have the judgement and strategical thought process that you have. They are able to see the big picture. And they care. Here are some tips for leading others who are capable of leadership as well.

  1. Recognize their potential contributions.  Let’s face it, there are some people who possess certain skills and abilities greater than yours. Certainly not everyone. You’re in the position that you hold for a reason. But leaders possess certain problem-solving skills that followers don’t have. Recognizing that there are people who can lead beside yourself is the first step. Give them credit for their strengths.
  2. Increase the responsibility that you delegate. Not everyone starts out at the highest level of leadership. As you incrementally increase the amount of responsibility that you delegate, their leadership skills will also improve.
  3. Delegate authority, not just responsibility. Allow others to make decisions regarding the process. Millennials especially want the ability to give input into the decision-making that goes into leading. Ask yourself: Can I become a part of a team where I do not have the final authority? If you cannot answer “Yes” to that question, you are not ready to lead leaders.
  4. Lead them. This sounds counterintuitive to the previous point, but what I mean is that you should take responsibility for their growth as a leader. Emulate what leadership is. Be an example. Leadership is about developing people, not jus accomplishing goals. Take responsibility for their development as a leader.
  5. Recognize them. Give them recognition for their accomplishments. Show your appreciation. As you elevate them, you will elevate yourself in their eyes as well. This actually is counterintuitive, but it’s true. As they become more confident in their abilities, they will be able to lead and influence others better.

Many leaders are uncomfortable leading leaders because they fear that the other leader will look better than they do. This is called insecurity. The best leaders don’t simply lead followers. They lead other leaders. Take a step out of the ordinary leadership role and lead, develop and grow other leaders.

Follow me on Twitter @RealTomRawlings for more leadership and church growth posts!

Shift Happens (Pt. 3)

In this post on some of the shifts taking place in the American Church, I want to tie into some of what I posted last week. In my last post, I discussed the shift taking place in church attendance. One of the factors in that shift has its roots in technology. This brings us to a shift in the focus of the church. People are attending church less often because they don’t see the benefit of attending. And often times, there isn’t any real benefit in church attendance.  Why would I get out of bed on a Sunday morning, get dressed and go to a local church if I can sit at home in my pajamas and watch some great worship, preaching or teaching on my TV, computer or phone? This brings up the shift that is taking place in churches by necessity. The experience of attending a local church must be greater than just the content alone.

churchGreat content can be found anywhere on the web. So in order to continue attracting people to our churches, we must make the experience greater than simply great music and an engaging sermon. There must be something else. Something that answers the question for you: Why would anyone want to come to my church? As we discussed last week, it is simply not enough to expect that all Christians will come to church weekly. That mindset has shifted in our culture. We need more than just an expectation that people’s sense of Christian duty will drive them to our churches week after week. What are some of the things that will attract and keep more people?

  1. AweA sense of something bigger. People – and especially younger people – feel a need to be a part of something bigger than themselves. People don’t need more entertainment. They can find entertainment more now than at any other time in history. They don’t need to be entertained in church. They need a sense of God. People can find great content online, but they can feel like they are a part of something greater than themselves spiritually only through attending a local church. The church as a whole is shifting toward a more focused sense of mission as opposed to vision. Knowing why you exist is becoming more important that the methods by which you carry out that mission.
  2. CommunityCommunity. People can enjoy great content online, but they don’t get a sense of community by streaming a service from a church on the other side of the country. Even younger people who have grown up with technology and who have a different definition of “community” than us older folks, want real, genuine community. The trend of multi-site churches has reinforced the idea that people actually want smaller, more intimate settings for church. If you want more people in your church, you need to place more emphasis on things like small groups, discipleship classes, and ministries that cater to specific needs, such as single parenting, marriage, and finances. If we’re talking about attracting more young people to the church, the most positive church experiences among millennials are relational.
  3. childcareAn opportunity to serve. One of the things that you absolutely cannot do by streaming church on Sunday is to be actively involved in the mission of the local church. You can only do that through attendance. Depending on the level of involvement, you may even be required to attend more often than you normally would. The key to active involvement though is not simply plugging bodies into positions. That may actually lead to less attendance. The key is to find people’s passion and plug them in where their passion lies. To do this may require some up-front work on the part of the church, but it is well worth the investment of time and, in some cases, a little money. At our church, we use three tools to help us identify passion. We use StrengthsFinder to help us identify natural talent and abilities, and we use the True Colors personality test to help us identify personality types. We also use the Saddleback Spiritual Gifts test to help identify spiritual gifting. I am not involved in any way with these products. I am just giving you the tools that we use. They may or may not be suitable for your use. Once we have identified a person’s natural abilities, their spiritual giftings, and their personality types, it becomes much easier to plug them into a ministry that they will enjoy being a part of. If they enjoy doing something, chances are that they will burn out less often, show up more often, and be better equipped to do the work of the ministry than if we had just plugged a ministry hole with a body.

Of course, there are many other factors that affect a dwindling frequency of church attendance. Quality child care, friendliness of current members, and relevance of not just the message, but the overall experience to their lives. As the baby boomers age out, a younger generation shifts into place in our churches, as it did when our parents grew older. While THE church will always survive, if individual churches are to survive. there must be some further, intentional shifting toward this younger generation. I’ll address that in my next post.

Remember to follow me on twitter (@RealTomRawlings) for more leadership and church growth posts as well as more trending ideas.