Good Enough?

when-a-church-leader-fallsI was reminded again recently of our humanity. Another church leader had a “moral failure”.  Of course, this type of thing creates a feeding frenzy among the anti-religious faction, and embarrasses quite a few Christians in the process.  I think the thing that surprises me the most, is that we are surprised at all. I mean, let’s face it – we all have moral failures. As much as we don’t want to admit it as Christians, none of us live a sinless life. Even after salvation we continue to struggle with sin. It is that struggle that puts us in need of a Savior and right smack in the sights of God’s grace. And yet, we treat someone who has messed up as the enemy when their “moral failure” is discovered. It’s not that we’re any better. We just haven’t been caught. Yet. So my question is, how good is good enough?  Actually, the question should be, how deep do you have to hide your sinful nature to be used by God?

Before I go any further, I am not suggesting that what this leader did was good or right. Sin is sin. Sin is wrong. The Bible is clear that just because we experience God’s grace we are not to continue in a lifestyle of sinful behavior. What I am saying is that we all struggle with sin. Our particular sin may not be the same as someone else’s sin, but it is sin nonetheless. We tend to view those who are pastors especially, as being above sin somehow. As if once they become a pastor they are no longer prone to the same temptations as the rest of us, or that they somehow gain a greater ability to resist temptation because of their title. Really? I’ve got news for you. Pastors are human. Just like you. So let me ask you – do you sin?

I would say that if you are a Christian, you try not to. You resist temptation. You fight against the urge to do the wrong thing. And yet we still have “moral failures” on a fairly regular basis. We steal from our employers by wasting time at work. We don’t always show the love of Christ to those around us. We eat too much. We don’t treat our bodies like the temple of the Holy Spirit. We don’t obey the law when we are in a hurry to get somewhere. Especially if we encounter more delays and we are already late. When is the last time you drove the speed limit? These types of moral failures are obviously not on the same level as adultery or murder, and yet, they are moral failures. Jesus said that if you are angry with your brother, you are in danger of judgement, and if you lust for a woman you are guilty of adultery. Sin, great or small, is still sin.

Sin DifferentlyI guess what I’m getting at is that we are so quick to condemn but not to forgive. It is this very kind of judgement that Jesus addressed in Matthew 6 when he admonished us not to judge. Don’t look at other people’s faults when you yourself have similar faults. One reader of an article on a pastor who had sinned pointed out that, statistically, most of the men condemning him for having a problem with pornography have the same problem. Yet we hold such men in high regard and are surprised when they don’t live up to our standards. Paul addresses this issue directly in Romans 7 where he says We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.  I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.  And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.  As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.  For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.  For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing…  Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me.  For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.”  Paul admitted that even though he wanted to do what was right, he didn’t always do the right thing.

Some Christians will take the teachings of men who have been caught in sin and declare that they have no value because the men who taught them were spiritually flawed. I will tell you right now that we are all spiritually flawed. Do we discount the teachings of Paul because he struggled with sin? Granted, some of us struggle with sin and others just give in to it. However, I would submit that men like Moses, David, Abraham, Noah, Peter and Paul all had spiritual flaws and yet God used them in spite of their flaws. I think we need to come to terms with our sinful nature – not embrace it, but come to terms with it – and realize that each person on the planet struggles at times with whether to do the right thing or not. And sometimes they (we) choose to not do the right thing.

So – how good is good enough? The answer to that question often depends on whether we’re talking about someone else, or ourselves. Let’s stop worrying about everyone else’s sin and take care of our own faults.  Let God deal with the others. When it comes right down to it, none of us are good enough. That’s kind of the point of Christianity isn’t it?


Amazing Grace?

dad-yelling-at-teenI’ve recently come to know God in a new way. You see, one of my children decided to show out a little while ago. This is not the first time this has happened. Since she is an adult (by age anyway) spanking is not appropriate any more. I’m now faced with a dilemma that God faces every day. In God’s terms, my child sinned against me. She exhibited unacceptable behavior towards me. My challenge is this: I still love her, but I can’t allow her to continue this behavior. Therefore, I cannot just forgive her and move on as if nothing ever happened. That would be enabling. Don’t misunderstand me. I can forgive her. It’s the ignoring the wrong that gets me.

My Mother called me and was perturbed that I would have a falling out with one of my children. “Is this how God would act toward you? You need to forgive!” As I pondered that for a moment, it struck me that this is exactly the feeling that God must have every day. I realized 4 things about this situation that helped me come to know God a little better:

1) God loves me. In spite of my shortcomings and the many times I fail as a Christian, God still loves me. He wants to spend time with me. However,

2) My sin can keep this relationship from becoming intimate. Although God loves me, when I sin, it causes a break in our relationship.

3) God doesn’t simply forgive and forget. The onus is on me, not God, to begin the restoration process. I must ask for forgiveness before God will forgive me.

4) Once I genuinely ask for God’s forgiveness, He acts as if nothing had ever happened. I may remember my wrongdoing, but God doesn’t. Our relationship is instantly restored to that of a Father and son.

graceI think that we have often bought into the cultural lie that God is too loving to punish us. After all, like my Mom said – why can’t God just forgive and forget? Because it is his nature to shun sin. While grace without sin is not grace, continuing to sin because of grace substitutes entitlement for grace. God does not offer entitlement, he offers grace. How do I become more like God? I need to love the person who has done the perceived wrong to me. I need to be quick to offer grace when asked to. I need to restore the relationship and not hold past wrongs against people. It’s grace that will cover the wrong and restore the relationship, which is really what God wants. It should be what we want as well.

Two Sides

Thumbs-Up-Thumbs-DownWhen we look at most cultural issues from a Christian perspective, there usually seems to be two sides to every argument. When we look at the issue of abortion, there are the pro-lifers and the pro-choicers. The issue of same-sex marriage has been a hot topic recently in Christian circles. We are labeled as homophobes and bigots because most people who consider themselves Christians are opposed to the idea of same-sex marriage. Then you have those who consider homosexuality a normal, natural state. The issue of alcohol has two camps – prohibitionists, and those who consider the consumption of alcohol to be well within the scope of living a Christian life. We have even taken sides on some of the basics of Christianity. Consider the subject of faith, or Faith, depending on which camp you reside in. There are those who consider faith to be a verb – something which is exercised. There are others who consider Faith as a noun – something which one possesses and uses to obtain all that God wishes for every Christian. There are people on both sides of the fence when it comes to the subject of grace as well. There are those who believe that Gods grace will cover any sin, therefore it’s OK to sin as often as you like. God’s grace will not hold the sin against you. Then there are those who believe that grace alone is not enough. One must also follow myriads of rules, regulations, “suggestions” and other things so that God will know you are serious enough to warrant His grace.

Two SidesWhy do we so often relegate such things to either one side or the other? We polarize nearly everything that is spiritual to the point that we often see those who think differently than us as “The Enemy” – even though they are Christians. It’s often difficult for us to see any other opinion than our own because we tend to be “black and white” types of people. We see sin as sin and even a little sin is enough to affect our lives. This is because we are made in the image of God and He sees sin the same way. The difference is that while God does not tolerate sin, He has great compassion for the sinner. Another difference is that we often don’t recognize our own propensity for sinning. We are quick to point out the moral failures of others while overlooking our own shortcomings. This is what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 7 when He said “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” As Christians, we must do some judging, or we will treat sin and holiness the same way. We must judge between right and wrong. We are taught to beware of false teachers, which we would not recognize unless we were judging their actions and motives. What Jesus says in Matthew 7 is to not judge others when we ourselves have sin in our lives. We often don’t see the sin in our own lives. Or we choose to overlook it because someone else’s sin is much worse than our own. So we split into two camps. Ours and Theirs.

What if there were another option? What if there were hundreds of options instead of just the two we so often see? I think that there are. I think that we can reach a compromise in most instances without compromising on sinfulness. Those of us who have children know this instinctively already, although it may not be something that has reached conscious thought yet. When two of my children come to me with a misunderstanding, I usually have two stories. The conversation would go something like this:

Kristen: “Dad, Heather broke the lamp in the living room! She just knocked it over on purpose. I saw her do it!”

Heather:”No I didn’t! It wasn’t there when I came in. She put it in front of me so I would trip on it!”

Kristen: “No I didn’t! You just pushed it over! I watched you do it.”

Heather: “You pushed it in front of me. It wasn’t even there when I came in the room!”

Broken LampWhat you can determine from this conversation is that there is probably an element of truth in someone’s story, but neither of these stories is the truth. Usually, it goes something like this: Heather came into the room and was practicing her ballet. As she twirled across the room, Kristen came into the room and saw her twirl into the lamp, which Heather didn’t see during her twirl. In order to avoid getting in trouble for breaking something by being careless, Heather blamed Kristen for placing the lamp in her path.

There is a lesson to be learned here for us as well. Two sides to a story are often not enough to determine the real truth. It’s easy for someone to be vehemently against homosexuality until their son or daughter tells them that they are gay.  It’s easy for someone who has never dealt with an alcoholic to justify drinking based on the Bible. But to someone who has dealt with alcohol abuse, the verses read entirely different. Circumstances often change points of view. When it comes to grace, the same is true. It’s easy to be critical of others when we think of ourselves more highly than we ought. The Bible makes it clear that we all have come short of Gods idea of “good”. None of us can say that we are better than others because we have all missed it. The good news is that Gods extends His grace to us.

Grace is often misunderstood, even by mature Christians. We still hear Christians talk about what we have to do to be Christians. Not the commands of Jesus, but the man-made things that we must do in order to be worthy of God’s grace. Grace is grace. It’s not something that we have to earn. In fact, grace that is earned is not grace at all.

The next time we feel compelled to take sides on an issue with another Christian, what if we were to do what Jesus commanded: Take care of our own sin and let God deal with everyone else’s. It’s amazing how unified we could become if we were to only do that simple thing. Just deal with our own sin. After all, isn’t that hard enough?

Of Mud and Men

If you had asked me in high school what I would be doing when I was 55, this is definitely NOT what I would have told you. At that point in my life, working with churches was the last thing I would have confessed as my future. I saw how “the church” had treated my father as a pastor. No thank you. I would seek my fortune doing something else.

Unclear DirectionSoon after high school, I felt a strong call on my life to be involved in ministry. However, being a pastor was the only form of Godly service I could think of. And with the sting of church abuse still fresh on my mind, that wasn’t the direction I wanted to go.  And then God got very specific with me. He gave me the specific call of being involved in music ministry. Of that I was positive. Now I had a clear goal. However, the path to getting to my goal was still unclear. Even after I had begun to set my sights on my future, things were still unclear. I had a destination in mind, but getting there was very confusing. I couldn’t see a clear path to my goals. Do I go to school? Do I begin looking for a job in music ministry? What is my next step?

Like many of you who have faced similar circumstances, I had to step into the water and feel my way forward to find my next steps in life. I couldn’t see clearly what the next step held, so I had to just do what I thought was the right thing and adjust my steps as necessary. Eventually I got to my destination.

FutureWouldn’t it be great to see the future? To have it all laid out for you? And yet, as those of us who follow God as a matter of course have come to discover, that isn’t at all the case. Especially, it seems, when following a directive given by God himself!

In the book of Joshua, we have a similar story, although one with greater consequences than most of us face. The nation of Israel is finally crossing the Jordan River and entering the land that God had promised to them. It has been 40 years since they sent spies into the promised land. They are now permitted to go into the land and live there. There is only one small obstacle in their path: The Jordan River. What do we know about the Jordan River?

According to both the Bible and historical sources, the Jordan River was considered a very dirty river. Although it was not very wide, it was quite muddy, probably due to the rapid drop in altitude during it’s course. Also, at the time of our story, we are told that the Jordan was flooding because it was Spring time.  The Israelites had their destination in sight literally, but couldn’t see their next steps to reach it. Like us, they would have to step into the water and quite literally feel their way across the obstacle to reaching their destination.

jordan-crossingHowever, in this case, God had something else in mind to help them reach their goal. He had the priests carry the Ark of The Covenant into the water first. The Ark represented the presence of God, since it was considered to actually contain God’s presence. Doing this would cause the path to become clear. The river stopped flowing about 20 miles upriver from their crossing which allowed them to see clearly their steps across to their destination.

Too often we try to feel our way into our destination instead of allowing the presence of God to clear it all up for us. Once God’s presence is introduced into our circumstances, things start to become clearer for us. If you have a destination, but are unsure of how to get there, allow the presence of God to clear up your steps. Pray, praise, worship – spend time in the presence of God and your steps will become clear.

5 Things to Know About Your Marriage (Part 4)

Last week, I talked about how husbands should treat their wives. Previously, I spoke about how important respect is to men and how wives should try to show respect to their husbands. But what if your husband or wife doesn’t deserve your respect or honor? How can I expect a wife to treat her husband with respect if he doesn’t show her honor? Likewise, how can I expect a husband to honor his wife if she doesn’t show him some respect? I would like to answer this question with a story. This story isn’t original, but I have found it to be true in my own experience. It’s about cows….

A missionary was on a remote island in the Pacific. As he was discussing trade with the locals, he kept hearing the name Johnny Lingo come up. But each time the name was spoken, several bystanders would break out into laughter.

“Johnny Lingo’s the sharpest trader in this part of the Pacific.” He kept hearing. And then the laughter would begin.

“What goes on?” he demanded. “Everybody around here tells me to get in touch with Johnny Lingo and then breaks up. Is this some kind of trick, a wild-goose chase, like sending someone for a left-handed wrench? Is there no such person or is he the village idiot or what? Let me in on the joke.”

Cows“Not idiot,” said one of the men. “Only one thing. Five months ago, at festival time, Johnny came to the island and found himself a wife. He paid her father eight cows!”

He spoke the last words with great solemnity and the missionary knew enough about island customs to be thoroughly impressed. Two or three cows would buy a fair-to-middling wife, four or five a highly satisfactory one.

“Eight cows!” the missionary responded. “She must have been a beauty that takes your breath away.”

“That’s why they laugh,” the man said. “It would be kindness to call her plain. She was little and skinny with no–ah–endowments. She walked with her shoulders hunched and her head ducked, as if she was trying to hide behind herself. Her cheeks had no color, her eyes never opened beyond a slit and her hair was a tangled mop half over her face. She was scared of her own shadow, frightened by her own voice. She was afraid to laugh in public. She never romped with the girls, so how could she attract the boys?”

“But she attracted Johnny?”

This is the story they told him:

Sam Karoo“Sarits’a father, Sam knew that his daughter was not going to bring a high price. His family advised him to ask for three cows and hold out for two until he was sure to get one. But Sam was in such a stew and so afraid there’d be some slip in this marriage chance for Sarita that he knew he couldn’t hold out for anything. So while he waited he resigned himself to accepting one cow, and thought, instead, of his luck in getting such a good husband for Sarita. Then Johnny came into the tent and, without waiting for a word from anyone, went straight up to Sam, grasped his hand and said, “Father of Sarita, I offer eight cows for your daughter.” And he delivered the cows.

“As soon as it was over Johnny took Sarita to a nearby island to live and we haven’t seen them since. There’s not much travel between the islands.”

The story interested the missionary,  so he decided to investigate.

The next day he reached the island where Johnny lived. When he met him, he was welcomed into his home.  The missionary told Johnny that his people had spoken of him.

“They speak much of me on that island? What do they say?”

“They say you are a sharp trader,” he said. “They also say the marriage settlement that you made for your wife was eight cows. They wonder why.”

“They say that?” His eyes lighted with pleasure. He seemed not to have noticed the question. “Everyone on the island knows about the eight cows?”

The missionary nodded.

“And everyone knows about it here, too.” His chest expanded with satisfaction. “Always and forever, when they speak of marriage settlements, it will be remembered that Johnny Lingo paid eight cows for Sarita.”

So that’s the answer, he thought with disappointment. All this mystery and wonder and the explanation’s only vanity. It’s not enough for his ego to be known as the smartest, the strongest, the quickest. He had to make himself famous for his way of buying a wife. The missionary was tempted to deflate Johnny by reporting that he had been laughed at for a fool.

SaritaAs they were speaking, a woman entered the adjoining room and placed a bowl of blossoms on the dining table. She stood still a moment to smile with sweet gravity at Johnny. Then she went swiftly out again. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. This girl had an ethereal loveliness. The dew-fresh flowers with which she’d pinned back her lustrous black hair accented the glow of her cheeks. The lift of her shoulders, the tilt of her chin, the sparkle of her eyes all spelled a pride to which no one could deny her the right. And as she turned to leave she moved with grace that made her look like a queen.

When she was out of sight the missionary turned back to Jonny Lingo and found him looking back at him with eyes that reflected the pride of the girl’s.

“You admire her?” he murmured.

“She – she’s glorious. Who is she?” (He couldn’t help but think – if she was a servant, how difficult it must be for homely Sarita, having to daily be in the presence of such a beautiful woman. And what a temptation for Mr. Lingo!)

“She is my wife.”

The missionary stared at him blankly. Was this some custom he had not heard about? Do they practice polygamy here? Had Johnny, for his eight cows, bought both Sarita and this other? Before he could form a question Johnny spoke again.

“This is the only one – Sarita.” His way of saying the words gave them a special significance. “Perhaps you wish to say she does not look the way they say she looked when we married.”

“She doesn’t.” he replied. “I heard she was homely. They all make fun of you because you let yourself be cheated by her father.”

“You think he cheated me? You think eight cows were too many?” A slow smile slid over his lips as the missionary shook his head. “She can see her father and her friends again. And they can see her. Do you think anyone will make fun of us then? Much has happened to change her. Much in particular happened the day she went away.”

“You mean she married you?”

“That, yes. But most of all, I mean the arrangements for the marriage.”


“Do you ever think,” he asked reflectively, “what it does to a woman when she knows that the price her husband has paid is the lowest price for which she can be bought? And then later, when all the women talk, as women do, they boast of what their husbands paid for them. One says four cows, another maybe six. How does she feel – the woman who was sold for one or two? This could not happen to my Sarita.”

“Then you paid that unprecedented number of cows just to make your wife happy?”

What You Believe“Happy?” He seemed to turn the word over on his tongue, as if to test its meaning. “I wanted Sarita to be happy, yes, but I wanted more than that. You say she’s different from the way they remember her. This is true. Many things can change a woman. Things that happen inside, things that happen outside. But the thing that matters most is what she thinks about herself. Back on the island, Sarita believed she was worth nothing. Now she knows that she is worth more than any other woman on the islands.”

“Then you wanted…”

“I wanted to marry Sarita. I loved her and no other woman.”

“But-” the missionary was close to understanding.

“But,” Johnny finished softly, “I wanted an eight-cow wife.”

If you want a husband or wife like no other – treat them like no other. They will become what they think they are worth.


5 Things to Know About Your Marriage (Part 3)

In last week’s post, found here, I spoke primarily to the women about how much respect means to their husbands. In this post, I want to focus on the men.

If you’re married, you probably know a lot of the things I’m saying. However, I see a LOT of relationships that are in trouble. There are a lot of married couples who are married on paper only. They don’t operate as a couple. There is no intimacy in their relationship. There is no “spark” left in their marriage. Remember when you were dating? How their number showing up on caller ID on the phone made your heart beat a little faster? That feeling you got when you saw them after being away for a few days? The feeling of anticipation you had for seeing each other again?

new-love-ln-300x300Some of the “feeling” dissipates with time and I’m not at all suggesting that love is a feeling. But I don’t believe that the feeling of love should disappear completely. I still wait with anticipation to see Penny at the end of the day. My heart still skips a beat when she shows up on my caller ID. Usually for good reasons!  I enjoy spending time with her. We’re not newlyweds, but there is still a “spark” in our relationship.

The good news is that creating and maintaining this type of relationship is not rocket science. It’s not necessarily easy, but it’s not difficult either. It just requires a little effort. But anyone can do it. Here’s how.

It’s Still a Matter of Respect

Most of our problems in relationships occur because of differences. We are not only individuals who have differing world-views, but we are men and women, who see things in entirely different ways as well. I have found that a lot of the struggle in marriages crop up because of one issue. Respect. Mutual respect. You want respect? Honor your wife. You see, men can be incredibly insensitive to their wives. We don’t mean to. In fact, we don’t usually even know that we have been. It’s not intentional, and your wife knows that, but sometimes the words we use hurt. And because we’re wired differently, your words carry more weight than you know. For example, the old joke about a wife asking her husband how she looks. It can be a predicament on how to respond. It can be confusing for you, and yet she values your input. How you respond is important. The words and tone of voice carry equal weight for her. Body language matters. As men, we need to be very mindful of how our response will be received by our wives.  It’s considered funny to joke about our wives and marriage. We talk about “the old ball and chain” and make jokes about “the boss”. But that’s not how Christian men are supposed to talk about their wives.

Wedding RingsIn 1 Peter 3, Peter tells us to honor our wives. “In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.”

This verse says that we should give our wives honor. It means that we should treat her as if she were valuable. We men don’t always honor our wives the way that we should. We don’t treat them as valuable. Oh we’ll buy them flowers once in a while – usually after we’ve done something wrong. And the size of the arrangement is usually in direct proportion to our understanding of what we did wrong. Or we show our love with big events – a cruise, a vacation, expensive jewelry or gifts. The thing is, it’s the small things that matter, not the big displays of love. We need to show her that we love her every day – not once or twice a year.

Ferrari-Sergio3_4antSXWe need to understand how to treat our wives as valuable. Imagine that you owned a Ferrari. I don’t personally own one, but I think it would be pretty cool. I would keep it washed and waxed. I would put premium gas in it. I would drive it slowly through town so everyone could get a good look at it. I would keep the oil changed, make sure it got the maintenance that it needed and wouldn’t allow people to eat, drink or smoke in it. After all, I wouldn’t want to mess up the interior.

We should treat our wives a Ferraris. Make sure that they look good. Make sure they are maintained; make sure they have everything they need to function as not only wives, but as women. Just as we wouldn’t wait for the Ferrari to break down before getting maintenance done, we should not allow our wives to break down before treating them as valuable. We should anticipate their needs (and wants) and be proactive in meeting those needs.

Couple-Communicating-woman-talking-man-listeningListen to her. I mean really listen.  When she mentions something that she likes – do it or buy it, if possible – to make her happy. If she mentions something that she doesn’t like, do everything possible to make sure that that thing never crosses her path. If she likes something, even if you don’t like it, forego your personal wants to make her happy. For example, Penny likes to shop. I’m not a shopper. Like most men, I know what I want from the store before I leave the house. I go to the store, walk in and pick up what I came for, go to the register, pay and leave. I’m done in about 10 minutes and back at the house. That’s not how women do it. But if Penny wants to go shopping, I go with her. I don’t complain about going, I don’t even mention that I would rather do something else. Unless she has mentioned that she wants some alone time, I’m shopping. Why? Because she likes it. I get to spend time with her. If she is valuable, what she likes matters to me. It matters to me more than what I want. Putting premium gas in a Ferrari is inconvenient and expensive, but I do it because it is valuable and I want it to run. Making my wife happy is often inconvenient and/or expensive, but because she is valuable and I want our relationship to last, I do it. I’m not talking about being henpecked, manipulated or controlled. I’ll get into leadership in a future post. I’m talking about treating her with honor, not about being a doormat.

Watch her. If she gets up from dinner to wash the dishes, go help. There’s an old saying that sex begins in the kitchen. It’s true. Keeping her emotionally connected to you will help in the sex department. Helping her physically will keep her connected to you emotionally. An emotional connection is as important for women sexually as the physical one is for men. Help her carry groceries. Open the door for her. Constantly watch to see how you can make her life easier. Better. Treat her as valuable. I’m telling you that if women respected their husbands and men treated their wives as valuable marriage counseling as a whole would become obsolete.

I don’t have a list of do’s and don’ts. This is fluid. It requires attention. It requires an effort. But it’s worth it. Just as you want respect, your wife wants and needs honor.

So – what do you do if your wife doesn’t deserve any of this? What if she’s mean, cold, unfeeling and disrespectful to you? How do you bring yourself to treat her with such honor if she’s not worthy of that honor and love? What if the feelings are so far gone that you just don’t have it in you to treat her well? I’ll cover that in next week’s post.



5 Things to Know About Your Marriage (Part 2)

In part 1, found here, I gave an overview of some of the issues surrounding a happy marriage. Today, I want to focus on a specific area of the relationship. I have found through not only my own experience, but through interviews with other husbands and wives that there seems to be one crucial element missing in most relationships. That one thing is respect. Respect is important to both men and women in a relationship, but it has different characteristics for each of them.

respect1 Peter 3 carries some wisdom for wives about respect and has often been misinterpreted to give a man absolute authority over his wife. Indeed, left on its own, it does appear to do so, but when read in context it does not, in fact, talk as much about authority as it does respect.

1 Peter 3:1 ~ In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words.

Peter starts this verse off “In the same way….”  What same way? Well, to find that out, we have to back up a little. Peter actually starts this particular train of thought in chapter 2 when he discusses authority.

1 Peter 2:13-14 ~ For the Lord’s sake, submit to all human authority—whether the king as head of state, or the officials he has appointed.

He carries the thought forward as he discusses slaves. 1 Peter 2:18 ~ You who are slaves must submit to your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel.

Although we may find it difficult to apply this thought in modern times, the same concept could be applied to us in the area of employment today. Employees must recognize the authority of their employers and give them respect. Not only if they are good and treat you well, but even if they are lousy bosses.

Peter’s main topic here is respect for authority, not just submission. Then he goes on to carry this thought forward from the area of slavery, or employment, to the area of a marriage relationship.

1 Peter 3:1 ~ In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words.

Then in verse 5 he continues…This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They put their trust in God and accepted the authority of their husbands.  For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, and called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do.

This is another area that has been taken out of context. Peter is not saying that women should worship their husbands and call them “master” or “lord”. What he is saying is that wives should give their husbands respect. The word that is translated “master” in the verse above is translated as “lord” in the King James version, and is the same word used when Rebecca greets the servant who has been sent to find Isaac a wife.

Genesis 24:17 – 18 ~ Running over to her, the servant said, “Please give me a little drink of water from your jug.” “Yes, my lord,” she answered, “have a drink.”

The word used here could also be translated as “sir” today. It is a sign of respect. Why is this important? Because one of the major needs that a man has is to be respected. And showing respect to their husband is difficult for many women to do.

In Genesis 3 we read that one of the consequences of sin is that the woman “will have the desire to control their husband. But he will have authority over you”.  It is in a woman’s nature to control her husband. Now, I recognize that that is an overgeneralization and that not all women desire to control their husbands. But that control is one of the consequences of sin and therefore needs to be recognized as such. How is this demonstrated in a marriage? I’m glad you asked.

happy-couple-9Men need some help in life. We don’t think the same way that women do and as a consequence, we often miss it. We need some help. Our wives should be that help. What we don’t need is another mother. Men want a wife, not a mom. I hear this from men frequently—especially young men. If you are a mother, please be the best mother that you can be. To your children. Not to your husband.  When a man is treated as a child, he will often begin to act like one, and resent it as well. He may not say anything, or he may get tired of repeating it, but we don’t want to be treated as children. We want to be treated as husbands.

I know we need mothering sometimes. All of us do. We may even act like big babies at times. But mothering a husband never works. Ever. Be their partner. Their best friend. Not their mother. That means that they don’t want to be reprimanded. In fact, criticism is a man’s worst nightmare. When you correct him you hurt him. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t need correcting. He might. But the way you do this is huge. Your respect for him is huge for him. Respect is his greatest emotional need. That could be in how he fixes the bed—or the fact that he doesn’t—or for things far worse.

Couple-ArguingIf a man feels that you are talking down to him—not respecting him—he may do what you ask, but inside his heart will be building resentment. Deep down, all men are like little boys trying to please their wives. They want to please her, and they get a great sense of accomplishment and pride as she looks into their eyes with approval and delight. The one thing that can snuff out their joy in a moment’s notice is to put them down. To notice the things they aren’t doing, aren’t saying, aren’t completing- instead of noticing all of the good things that they are.

In fact, some of the anger that a man displays is often the result of being or feeling disrespected. He may not come right out and say it, But, there is a good likelihood that he is feeling stung by something his wife has done or said which he considers disrespectful and humiliating. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want love. It just means that respect is huge in the eyes of men. A man who doesn’t feel respected at home will often try to find respect somewhere else – a business, a hobby or in extreme cases, another woman. This isn’t a rationalization for infidelity. It’s just an observation of what often happens in marriage.

Sandy-StewartIt is possible to love your husband and not show him respect. If you correct him constantly, point out all of the things he does wrong but don’t affirm the things he does right, if you don’t treat him as the “boss” – even if he really isn’t – then you aren’t showing him respect. Use the wisdom from leadership. When giving an annual review, or bringing an employee in for corrective counseling, you should use 2 positives for each negative. When dealing with husbands, make it 3-5 positives for each negative thing you mention. A man’s ego is fragile and needs constant care to hold it together. Wives, show some respect for your husbands. You will be surprised at the change it can make in your relationship! Next week: Husbands honor your wives.


Where is God?

Where is God? I mean, where is he really? As I have listened to people praying over the years, I have raised this question to myself many times. As I participate in prayer meetings, I find myself envisioning the process of prayer. In my imagination, I see our prayers rising above our heads, into the sky. proof-god-exists1I see earth shrink and fade into the distance as our prayers soar toward God on his throne in heaven. Somewhere out there among the stars, our prayers reach an almighty God who peers through the vastness of space and somehow hears us as individuals. That’s what makes him God. I couldn’t hear something from that distance much less recognize who it was that spoke on a distant planet in a galaxy far, far away. But God can.

We even pray as if this were the case. We tend to talk to God as if we’re talking to someone on the phone. We speak to someone at a distance as if they are near. We explain our position because, after all, God is out there in heaven somewhere listening to us. He needs help in understanding the context of our prayers sometimes, and so we go to great lengths to explain, through prayer, our position. Pay attention the next time you hear someone praying. It’s true!

jesus-christ-cartoon-04It’s also wrong. God is not “out there, somewhere” listening to our prayers. In fact, he’s closer than we think and with a better understanding of our situation than we often give him credit for. Instead of thinking of God as being far away but still connected, we should think of God as being close. I was taught long ago to pray by putting an empty chair in the room, and then praying as if God was sitting in that chair. Somehow, over the years, I’ve taken God out of that chair and put him back into heaven and been content to pray as if I was talking to him long distance over the phone.

Psalm 145:18 says that “The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.”  One of the names that Jesus was given was Emmanuel, which means “God with us”. The word which is translated “Priest” in the Old Testament was the Hebrew word “Kohen”, which means literally, “one who draws near”.  God no longer separates himself from us. He is actually, literally right there in the room with us when we pray. We don’t have to talk over the phone to him. He’s right there listening the whole time.

Eye of GodSo, what’s the big deal? What does it matter if we suppose that God is a million miles away, or right there in the room with us?  It matters. Have you ever felt like you had a bad connection when praying?  That you had to explain things to God so that he could really understand the gravity of your prayer? Have you ever felt that if you didn’t say things exactly the right way that God may not hear your prayer? Or at least that he may not understand the right way to answer it? See, having the understanding that God is near us makes a difference.  It’s the difference between calling up a good friend and explaining what happened during your accident vs having your friend in the car with you when it happened. It’s the difference between sending your Mom an email with your Christmas list vs having someone going through life with you who already knows not only what you need, but what you want as well.

Maybe it’s just semantics, but our mindset about God makes a difference. It will make a difference in how we pray and how we respond to God overall. Having God speak while you read your Bible takes on a whole new meaning when you realize that he’s there looking over your shoulder as you read, not somewhere out in the universe sending good thoughts your way. Knowing that God goes through life with you means that he is already aware of your situation. Not because he’s watching you through a telescope from the other side of the galaxy, but because he was there when it happened. He knows not only the situation, but he knows all of the circumstances surrounding it. He also knows about the other people involved because he was there with them as well.

walking-with-jesusGod is not watching us from far away. He’s not looking down from the sky. He’s right there with us as we go through our day. Keeping this in mind as we pray and listen for his leading in our daily lives will help us relate better to him. It will help us to pray better knowing that he already knows what we’re praying about. It will help us become better at recognizing those prompts from the Holy Spirit. Keeping the proper perspective about God will help make us more aware of his presence. Even when we don’t sense it. He’s still there.

Justice or Mercy?

GavelFor most of my life,  I could say that I had never been summoned for jury duty. Then it happened. I received the notice in the mail and called the number. I was not only summoned, I was chosen to serve on the jury. The case was not a huge deal, except to those involved. Without going into a lot of detail, the case involved whether, in the eyes of the law, a man was competent to determine his own affairs. Was he capable of caring for himself and determining his own course of action for his life? Or was he not mentally competent enough to determine what was best for himself?

We the jury were not all on the same page. And so, in a comic remake of 12 Angry Men, we deliberated for 3 days about the outcome of the case, and, ultimately, this man’s future. Some were very quick to point out the things he had done that proved his mental incompetence. Others were quick to point out that the fate of his life – his freedom – hung in the balance of our decision. It really came down to two trains of though: Justice, or Mercy.

Some people thought that he deserved what was coming to him. He had done some pretty stupid things that showed that he had at least made some very bad decisions recently. Were they bad enough to put him in a home for the rest of his life? Some thought so. Your actions had consequences and they had determined that he deserved those consequences.

Others were more forgiving. We have all made some poor decisions in life, but that didn’t mean that we should pay the consequences of every bad choice. And, so they reasoned, although he had done some things that normal people wouldn’t do, they did not determine that it was bad enough to take his freedom from him. They were willing to err on the side of mercy.

And so it went. In the end, it really boiled down to the definition of incompetent in the eyes of the law. As we dug into the testimony and reviewed the law, 11 of us made the determination that, although he had done some questionable things and made poor decisions, he wasn’t crazy in the eyes of the law. The last holdout determined that no matter what the law said, because of his decisions and actions, he deserved the loss of his freedom, his family relationships or whatever remained of his life. There are consequences to our actions.

Justice_380Which camp do you fall into? Justice or mercy? There are certainly examples of both in the Bible. God is a God of justice.

“For I, the Lord, love justice… ~ Isaiah 61:8”
“…For the Lord is a God of justice… ~ Isaiah 30:18

And yet we see that God is also a God of mercy.

“For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you.” ~ Psalms 86:5
“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions… ~ Ephesians 2:4

In Matthew, we are told to turn the other cheek when someone slaps us. Show mercy.

In 1 Samuel 15, God tells Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites – “men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels and donkeys.” Harsh justice for a bad choice.

I see Christians who fall into both camps. There are those who demand justice for those who do not line up with how they think things ought to be. We even see those on the fringes who have decided to take action against homosexuals, abortion clinics and others who do not live up to their standard of righteousness.

On the other side of the coin, we have those who excuse nearly everything – even blatant sin in the name of mercy. God is a God of love and mercy. Therefore he won’t punish wrong because he is so loving.

PistolHow do we respond to issues that seem to demand justice or mercy? Do we carry a gun to shoot those who would harm us, or do we pray our way out of those situations? What is our response to homosexuals? Do we condemn them all to hell, or do we show them kindness and love? What about the people who mistreat us in life? We’ve had bosses who treated us poorly. Spouses don’t always show us the love they should. Family and friends often treat us poorly or make bad decisions and choices. Do we show them justice, or mercy?

I think the answer is found in the words of Jesus: “Do unto others whatever you would like them to do to you.” ~ Matthew 7:12

Do you deserve justice, or mercy for your wrong choices? The Bible says that we have all missed it (Romans 3:23). It also tells us what the consequences of missing it are (Romans 6:23). And yet we are told that God doesn’t remember our past mistakes, or even our outright rebellion when we confess that we have missed it and ask for his forgiveness (Hebrews 8:12). So what about all of those who continue to miss it? What about those who kill the unborn? Or those who continue to live in a way that dishonors God? What about those who slander Christianity and refuse to change and continue to make bad decisions? What about them?

The simple answer is: What about them? We as Christians are never told to administer justice on sinners. We are however told to show others the same mercy that we think we deserve. So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free.  There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.” ~ James 2:13 

A stricter warning is found in Matthew 7 ~ For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.

That verse should scare some of you. We should set the example for those who do not know Christ. Be the example that God has called us to be to those who have no idea what God is like. Let him sort out the rest. Oh – and the verdict in the trial? Mercy won.

5 Things to Know About Your Marriage (part 1)

RelationshipsRelationships. They are one of the most fundamental needs of humans and yet they can be so difficult. After creating man and declaring that he was “very good”, God made another observation. It was not good for the man to be alone. And so God gave Adam his counterpart. His wife. His soul mate. How many husbands can make the claim that God created their wife specifically for them? Adam got a handcrafted wife made specifically for him.

And yet even Adam and Eve made relational errors in judgement. Eve didn’t consult Adam about eating the forbidden fruit before she made such an important decision. Adam didn’t lead his wife well. He followed her in making the same mistake. In fact, what was Eve doing alone talking to a stranger in the first place? If two people who were made to go so well together had issues, what hope is there for us?



For one thing, we have years of experience – not only our own, but the experiences of others as well. I have been married to my wife, Penny, for nearly 37 years now. Just a couple of weeks ago marked the 37th anniversary of the night that I drove up to a hilltop overlooking the town we lived in and proposed to her. I would like to say that we have had 37 years of wedded bliss, but, alas, that has not been the case. Of course, most of the problems have been my fault. I’ve quit very good jobs to pursue my dreams. Moved us halfway across the country instead of providing stability. I’ve made bad decisions financially. I’ve made parenting mistakes. But 37 years later, I’m still glad that I proposed to her and that she accepted. Our relationship takes work, but it is the best that it has ever been.

That beingmarriage-problems_472_314_80 said, I would like to offer some observations over the next couple of posts on the relationship of marriage. Not that I’m an expert on marriage or relationships. Even “experts” have to work at their marriages. I have, however, discovered a few things over the years that have helped my relation with Penny. I have worked at making my relationship better. I have sought the counsel of others who have successful marriages. And I have made a few mistakes in the process that I have learned from. In the hopes that these observations may also be beneficial to some of you, I offer the following. Hopefully I can offer you some insight that will help you avoid some of the mistakes that I have made. I will go into greater detail over the next couple of weeks on each point. Here then are my observations:

  1. Men and women are different. We think differently. We view the world differently. We “feel” differently. We react to the same situation differently. We think about romance differently. We’re just different. And it’s a good thing.
  2. Wives want their husbands to lead. They often assume the leadership role, but they want their husbands to step up and lead them. Husbands want to lead, but often aren’t given the opportunity by their wives. They are given the option of leading, or of keeping their wife happy. They frequently choose the latter.
  3. Husbands want a wife, not another mother. If you’re a mother, they want you to be a great one – but not theirs. Wives don’t really want to be like their mother. Or any other woman for that matter.
  4. Your words carry weight. For the husband, it is a matter of respect. For the wife it’s a matter of communication. Body language means as much to women as the words that are spoken. Sometimes it means more than the words. Husbands don’t know what body language is. Sometimes they don’t even understand the words. And his ego is generally more fragile than his wife’s.
  5. A wife is reflected by her world. How she looks, for example, or how clean the house is, is often a reflection of how she feels. Her self-esteem is easily broken and we men often step on her feelings more than we intend to. A husband is typically reflected by what he does. Not only his occupation, but his hobbies and interests as well. And his self-esteem is easily broken as well.

These are just a few of the observations that I have made over the years. I’ll go into more detail in the weeks that follow. Let me know what you think. Anything you would add?